The Lemurian quartz crystal is known as one of the master crystals because it tunes into your spiritual compass,
working to unlock the secret doors of your soul. We purchased two sets of crystals for the 12-chakra - Fifth Dimension light beams. These crystals are so super clear with an energy to immediately lift off! We also found a few longer Arkansas crystal wands for a seven chakra light beam, we're tickled, because those are in general somewhat harder to find!
Holistic Get-Together & Full Moon Meditation - Friday, January 6th. 2023 in Quartzsite
Join us for a fun-filled day of everything spiritual & holistic. Experience a multidimensional experience of Crystal Chakra Lights and Reiki combination. and Reiki Master Debbie Fish owner of Essentially Surrender, invite you to a massage for the soul. Relax fully dressed (best in white) in a zero-gravity chair under crystal chakra lights and with headphones on, while you feel peace and serenity, or experience life insights, and even feel as if you’ve moved into a higher state of consciousness. Let go, and experience whatever comes your way – loving abundance, healing energies, insights, bliss, the divine love of the creator … or “just” incredible relaxation. Here are the seven Lemurian quartz crystals that will be placed into the next light beam. They will be named SPIRIT MOON. Spirit Moon is the Ojibwe name for the January full moon.
February 2024