Holistic Get-Together & Full Moon Meditation - Friday, January 6th. 2023 in Quartzsite
Join us for a fun-filled day of everything spiritual & holistic. Experience a multidimensional experience of Crystal Chakra Lights and Reiki combination. QuantumPoint.org and Reiki Master Debbie Fish owner of Essentially Surrender, invite you to a massage for the soul. Relax fully dressed (best in white) in a zero-gravity chair under crystal chakra lights and with headphones on, while you feel peace and serenity, or experience life insights, and even feel as if you’ve moved into a higher state of consciousness. Let go, and experience whatever comes your way – loving abundance, healing energies, insights, bliss, the divine love of the creator … or “just” incredible relaxation. PO Box 1305, Boulder MT 59632
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February 2024